Well, GIANT or KING #1, is falling... LOL!
We are taking the territory back again..... 2 steps forward, one minor step back, and now we are taking 2 steps forward again.... so we are still ahead. LOL!
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. God again proved faithful, as I proved faithful! YAY! I continued to worship and thank God in the tough times. I am so glad he made me who I am, and that he gave me friends and family like the ones I have. Thanks so much for caring and sharing!
Be blessed today and always...
** I wish to pray a blessing over the life of the ones involved, over the ones who tried to help the "KING" or the "GIANT" succeed in this matter. (You know who you are) I want them to know that I still love and respect them, and I have learned a life-lesson in all this too. I took captive all the negative thoughts that wandered into my head, and I am praying a prayer of blessing instead of cursing. Thank you God that you reminded me to "Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others." Colossians 3:13**
Thank you for the refining fire and testing, to which I proved faithful, and I am very excited about that. WOW! I have also spiritually grown again, of which I am very excited. I cannot wait to start a NEW BEGINNING soon... Our last official Sunday is next Sunday, the 7th of September... and from then on, it's taking the step of faith to where God is leading us next. Keep us in your prayers for this new ADVENTURE! Wehoo...
In His Love & Service,

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