RANDOM ACTS OF KINDESS are something that we all should do, at least once in your lifetime, as it is such a blessing back on you too.
According to Wikipedia, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_act_of_kindness) A random act of kindness is a purportedly selfless act performed by a person or persons wishing to either assist or cheer up an individual or in some cases even an animal. There will generally be no reason other than to make people smile, or be happier. Either spontaneous or planned in advance, random acts of kindness are encouraged by various communities. An oft-cited example of a random act of kindness is, when paying the toll at a toll booth on a highway, to pay the toll for the vehicle behind you as well.
My husband and I have always thought it would be cool to "bless" someone with a RAK or an ARK (as in the movie Evan Almighty). It would be really neat to be in a Drive-thru like Tim Horton's or a fast food place, and pay for the person's meal behind us in line. But we haven't done it yet. So, since we ourselves have been blessed by MARK being the "ULTIMATE SUMMER TICKET" winner from our local (and most awesomest) Christian Radio station.... which is like a REALLY REALLY BIG RAK on behalf of the radio station (We love you Capt D and Sandra B), we have the opportunity to bless others. We cannot go to all of the concerts, etc, that are planned. We had the opportunity to bless two of our friends, by inviting them to come along with us to the BIG TICKET FESTIVAL that just happened last weekend in Gaylord (pronounced Gay-lerd) Michigan. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, they could not attend, so since we won 4 passes, and it was late the night before we were to leave EARLY the next morning, we couldn't invite anyone else. So, we decided to BLESS someone at the BIG TICKET. It was soooo exciting....
When we got into the gates of the BIG TICKET, we saw the line of people waiting to pay for tickets (which is really silly cause the price of tickets was crazy the day of...) but anyway, we had to decide who to give the tickets to... so Mark saw that there was a lady in line who already had a BIG TICKET bracelet, and she was with a couple others who didn't. So we went up to them, but they only needed one ticket, and they were only staying the 1 day, instead of the two that we had the passes for. So I apologized to them, and said I would find someone else. There was a young couple behind them in line, and they caught my eye as I was talking to the others in line, so I went up to them, and asked them if it was just the two of them, she said yes, and that they overheard us talking about 1 day, but that they were hoping to come for two days. So I took the bracelets/tickets and handed them to them, and said WELL GOD BLESS YOU THEN... and they really didn't know what to do. They asked if I wanted money for them, and I told them NO. They were given to us, and our friends couldn't come, so we had to give them away. The lady hugged me, and cried... so of course I cried, as I am doing now again as I write this. The man kind of stood there shocked, and he shook my hand I think. Mark smiled at them, and I think shook their hands too? I don't really remember the moment totally, cause I was sooo touched that I could bless someone like that. =)
After we got home, I checked the BIG TICKET website (http://www.bigticketfestival.com/) and saw that the prices for tickets the day of were $75. So our RAK was for like $150 which would be totally amazing to me. WOW! It was amazing for me, cause we were basically just blessed with the same thing from the radio station (GRACE FM - http://www.gracefm.ca/), but I'm sure they paid a little less, as it was probably group tickets, and they were bought earlier... but still, it's amazing to me!
I thank God for this blessing daily... and I know Mark does too. It sometimes sounds like we are boasting, or winning too much stuff... which I feel is not good, but it was all done fair and square, and we are fans of GRACE FM and love them either way. It's good to win prizes, but its even better to share the LOVE of JESUS with the world. THE MESSAGE IS IN THE MUSIC~ You can listen to Grace FM Streaming audio online... to hear CANADIAN Christian bands too... you won't hear on the American stations. (http://www.gracefm.ca/)
Anyway, no matter about money, you can do FREE things for people too.... get out there and do ACTS OF KINDNESS for people.... whether you get praise for it or not. =) Your reward is in Heaven!
Be blessed!
*Here's a pic of me with BOB and LARRY from the BIG TICKET*

Love and Prayers,
MITZI xoxo
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