(PS If you are interested in participating in 'The Simple Woman's Daybook' as well, please feel free to click THIS LINK to join for yourself. There is also a link on the picture in my sidebars.)
So blogging has again come to a lull... and I will try to do it more, as I also like to do my 'devotional' which I haven't done in a while either. It is definitely not Tuesday, but I saw the list on the top of my computer and felt like blogging this early Sunday morning.
OUTSIDE MY WINDOW -- I see one house with Christmas decorations... a mini-Griswold's, not too flashy, yet cute at the same time. I am excited to see it actually, well one because I love Christmas, but two because at Halloween their home was decorated all evil-like... quite creepy. Now it's quite cute as they have inflatables, and really cute lights that flash like icicles and a really nice light-up garland around their door. I told Mark that I wanted one of those too! :)
I AM THINKING -- about Mark, as he is at work, and going to miss Sunday School, worship, and church this morning. Praying that everything is great for him, and its a fast and easy day. Church together tonight will be great!
I AM THANKFUL FOR -- FAMILY! I love my family... both or should I say ALL of them. We love, support, pray for, encourage, and just like to have fun! I am also thankful for CHRISTMAS, a time to remember JESUS and the humbleness of how He entered the world to live and then die (when we reflect at Easter) so that we can live! WOW! I am also thankful for Christmas, because it's a time to bless and also be blessed. This past Friday night we held our staff 'Secret Santa' party, for which we draw names and purchase gifts for another staff member. It's fun to bless and watch others open their presents. I loved my gifts as well, perfect for ME! Thanks again Ro! :)
FROM THE LEARNING ROOMS -- Well we are learning alot, and growing physically, mentally and spiritually. I love the kiddos in my group, and of course my co-worker too! It's is truly a blessing to work in a Christian daycare. We have set up our 'Angel Tree' as well where each child chooses an 'angel' from the tree which corresponds to an individual child at the daycare, and they purchase a small gift for them. We all open them together on a specific day. It's fun and a great way to show 'giving' and Christ's love!
FROM THE KITCHEN -- Well, between the last answer and this one, I have been to church and back. Mark is working, and Mom had to work, so we didn't go out for lunch together, so I am at home and in my kitchen I am baking a stuffed potato and making fish sticks for lunch! Mmm... maybe Mark and I can grab a bite somewhere before church tonight. Since my last 'The Simple Woman's Daybook' we cleaned and re-arranged our kitchen a little. :)
I AM WEARING -- My new Christmas sweater I purchased for myself (for our Secret Santa party) and my jeans. I wore them to church this AM to be comfortable as I play the piano (so no one really sees what I am wearing) and I work with the children on Christmas Concert practice. I wanted to be comfy and warm. Jesus says that we are to 'come as we are', so there is no need to be anything other than yourself. The Bible says that 'man looks at our outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.' <3
I AM REMEMBERING -- Hmmm... not sure. I guess I should be trying to memorize the Christmas play lines alongside our actors as I am the drama director. I must from now on remember to put my pop bottle back in the fridge if I don't finish the contents, as this morning I realized I left a bottle of pop out, and I put it in the fridge before church, and I took it out when I got home, and it has little fizz. It's cold, yet flat. So I added fresh stuff in, but its' still not the best. :)
I AM GOING -- to put on some music in the background as it's quiet in the house. Eeek... I must go check on my potato in the oven too... and add the fish sticks in so I can eat. :D I am also going to church tonight... to be blessed! :)
I AM READING -- hmmm, lots of books I have going. I have to finish my LINEAGE OF GRACE series, ending with Mary. Tomorrow night is our last book club for this book. I totally recommend FRANCINE RIVERS and this series. (You can either purchase each book individually by name, or as the series under the title Lineage of Grace.) Not all her stories are based biblically as these ones are fiction and non-fiction, but she is a great author. I have picked up 'THE ME I WANT TO BE' (by John Ortberg) again, as I want to start a small group at church (well at our home) in the new year. It's been on my heart for a while, yet I haven't moved on it!
I AM HOPING -- that Mark will be home soon. 2 more hours to go... Hoping in God still is the #1 answer. All faith and hope and trust is in Him, for He will keep His promises!
I AM HEARING -- nothing... I haven't put that music on yet. LOL! :D HA HA... my MIDI files popped up first (which is weird), so I have saved a bunch of 80's songs, so the first one alphabetically is 'All I Need is a Miracle'. LOL! :D Now it's KOKOMO... ha ha! 'Off the Florida keys...' Oooh, I would totally love to go to an island... Aruba, Jamaica, Bermuda, Bahamas, Key Largo, Montego... Sunny south! Florida and Disneyworld would be great again though! :D
I AM PRAYING -- for continued health, strength, financial blessings, increased spiritual passion, etc in myself, my family and those in my circle of influence. I pray that I can be the example to those that don't believe. I pray for our new leadership as well... and lots of other things.
ON MY MIND -- actually not too much right now... but my oven timer is ringing, so I must go get my dinner moving... :)
I AM PONDERING THESE WORDS -- 'no more SLOPPY AGAPE'... we've been discussing this in our Sunday School class, and with our worship leader. We need to truly LOVE God, and others unconditionally, and in ALL circumstances worship in spirit, truth and with JOY! We must LOVE as He loved. :) We must be DEVOTED, COMMITTED and LOYAL in our love... no committing 'adultery' with other idols or gods. Be the ME that He has called me to be... live up to my MAXIMUM EFFECTIVENESS as part of the Body! :D
AROUND THE HOUSE -- Unfortunately there are still 'piles'... yet Mark and I have been organizing some of them. My craft area, and our family room has been rearranged for better usage, and is being more organized slooooo-wwwly. I am proud of us though, we have worked hard. :)
I AM CREATING -- Well my crafty self has been busy with more paper-crafting, and I actually am in the middle of creating more wedding invitations. YAY! An order actually that I am being paid for. Exciting!! However, I have also picked up my crochet hooks and wool again, and found a cute pattern for hats. WOW, I can make hats! Now everyone wants one... so cute and fun. (Pics to be posted for 'Picture for thought').
ONE OF MY FAVOURITE THINGS -- Knowing that God still loves me and is IN CONTROL in all circumstances. YAY GOD!
A FEW PLANS FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK -- Hmm... not sure. Tomorrow night is book Club, and after that, well it's all in the air due to Mark's work schedule and God's plans. Hopefully I will complete the tasks at hand that need to be accomplished! :)
PICTURE FOR THOUGHT -- Well I thought I would share a pic of the cute lil' hat I made FIRST. It's a cute lil' hat that I gave to my co-worker/friend's daughter. The one that started it all... :) Hope you like it!
sorry, it won't flip... LOL! I will post again... but you can see it!
TIME COMPLETED -- 2:07 PM (LOL! I bet this will be my longest time between time started and time completed.)
1 comment:
I'm your newest follower:) Jealous that you get to work in a Christian daycare! I bet that's a blast!
God Bless,
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