Saturday, July 17, 2010

Then Sings My Soul Saturdays...

So ya, I haven't BLOGGED for a while... OOPS! Anyway, today is SATURDAY and so I will try to accomplish at least one for 'Then Sings My Soul Saturdays'...

The song I am choosing for today comes from GOSPELIGHT'S VBS 'SONQUEST RAINFOREST'. We are hosting this VBS at our church in two weeks, so these weeks are busy listening to the songs, learning actions, drawing/tracing & painting posters and murals, buying/collecting 'critters' and decorations, and more... I have ALWAYS loved VBS! As a child I learned songs, verses, etc, and I still remember some of them today! This song is one that I hope the children who attend will keep in their hearts and minds forever!

Colossians 3:23
by Jamie Owens Collins
© 2009 Fairhill Music, Inc. Used by permission. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. SonQuest Rainforest Music Leader DVD & CD-ROM

Whatever you do, whatever you do,
Work at it with all your heart.
Whatever you do, whatever you do,
Work at it with all your heart

As working for the Lord, not for men.
Work at it with all your heart
As working for the Lord, not for men,
Work at it with all your heart.

Hear God’s call, big or small.
Give your all. (Get Going!)

Make a start. Do your part
With all your heart. (Get Going!)

Whatever you do, whatever you do,
Work at it with all your heart.
Whatever you do, whatever you do,
Work at it with all your heart

As working for the Lord, not for men.
Work at it with all your heart
As working for the Lord, not for men,
Work at it with all your heart.
Work at it with all your heart.

Here's the YOUTUBE Video...

This verse has always been an important one for me, as I try to do all my work for God and not for men. I am soooo glad that we are teaching our younger generations this. As we learned from a young woman at our church, today's youth and children (and even older adults) need to be trained in work ethics. This is one of the MAIN things that should be taught. Everything that we do is not for the people, it is for the Lord. This will help us take time and care into all we do.

I love this song, as well as the others in the VBS... if you are from LONDON (or nearby towns) and you have children or grand-children (neices, nephews, neighbour kids, etc...) plan to bring them to VBS for an adventure they will never forget. JULY 26th - 30th, 2010 ~~ 9:00 AM-12:00 PM ~~ Explorers ages 4-12 are welcome! For more information visit our website/blog here!

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X and O

Place your mouse on the X below, click, and drag to the O.

X Even though you can't see Him, GOD is there! O


Be blessed today and always!